January 23, 2016

Today I am grateful for my choice to be intentional about walking yesterday. I am grateful for all I got done with school yesterday. I am grateful for all the parties I am going to book today. I am grateful for warm socks and shoes and clean clothes. I am grateful for the fluids that hydrate my body.

January 22, 2016

Today I am grateful for my growing relationship with Eileen and the love we share. I am grateful for all the progress I am making in work, school, home and personal. I am grateful for the choices I am making to refocus on getting healthy and moving forward. I am grateful for the protection from the elements. I am grateful for all I have in my life and all the blessings that are yet to come.

January 21, 2016

oday I am grateful to be caught up with my grading for queer theory and to have been given an extra 3 days to grade. I am grateful for the progress I made yesterday in my course prep for gender race and class. I am grateful for the decluttering I was able to do on one side of my desk. I am grateful for the sales which came in yesterday. I am grateful for not having to go outside in this weather.

January 20, 2016

Today I am grateful for the powerful conversation we had last night at love and inspiration. I am grateful for Phil's help in showing Zoe how to use the snow blower. I am grateful for the ways that Eileen and I support each other. I am grateful for the chance to be of service to Lisa yesterday. I am grateful for all those who see gifts I do not see in myself. 

January 19, 2016

Today I am grateful for my ability to stay calm in most situations. I am grateful that Phil and Zoe figured out the snowblower. I am grateful for the cookie dough Kelleigh left behind. I am grateful for all I got done yesterday and all I will get done today. I am grateful for the possible new consultant this or next month who is self recruiting


January 18, 2016

I love my friends as they always remind me how much I have to be grateful for. I am grateful for my wife who loves and supports me unconditionally and always pulls my head out of my ass, gently, when I need it. I am grateful for Zoe beginning to organize the kitchen so there is room for all the new Pampered Chef stuff that is coming. I am grateful we never threaten to throw each other's stuff out on the lawn. I am grateful for the way we respect and support each other. I am grateful that I got to share with a friend some of what Zoe does that made me feel loved.

January 17, 2016

Today I am grateful to Ron for bringing chairs. I am grateful for my body which somehow managed to do more than I normally do, even though it was not happy. I am grateful for my wife who offers me good advice even though I do not always take it. I am grateful for the space heater in our office as the heat has not gone up yet. I am grateful for my new walkers that move so much faster and better then my old rickety one.

January 16, 2016

Today I am grateful that Ron was not hurt in the car accident. I am grateful that Rosealee could be with her mom at the hospital. I am grateful for Zoe's help packing last night. I am grateful for Kelleigh and Alan going to buy nuts for me this morning. I am grateful for my team, even though we are struggling, I am grateful for who they are and what they are teaching me. 

January 15, 2016

This morning I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep. I am grateful for food in our refrigerator again. I am grateful for the warm blankets at night. I am grateful for the indoor plumbing so I can shower and stay warm. I am grateful for the melts we got from the Pink Zebra

January 14, 2016

Today I am grateful to Zoe for taking my packages to the post office last night. I am grateful for the commitments we made to each other about our relationship. I am grateful for friends who reach out and say hello. I am grateful for the chance to have spend time with my niece and her mom. I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all that i will accomplish today.

January 13, 2016

Today I am grateful for my 4 agreements group and my friend Deedee who helped me when I was taking things personally. I am grateful for my wife who made hot compresses for my neck. I am grateful for each day that passes as it brings me closer to the end of this winter session .  I am grateful I did not have to go out in the snow yesterday. I am grateful for all the water that I have had to drink and its cleansing effect on my body.

January 12, 2015

Today I am grateful to have not gotten an email or a phone call from a hostile source. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned. I am grateful for each day that brings me closer to this particular journey being over. I am grateful for the conversation I had with Sharon Cerra this morning. I am grateful for my friend Eileen who is always my cheerleader. I am grateful for my relationship with Claude who allows me to process my feelings.

January 11, 2015

Today I am grateful for the support of my boss as I go through a challenging time in my life. I am grateful for the prayers of those who know and love me for all those involved in a challenging situation. I am grateful for the cuddle time with my cats this morning. I am grateful for Zoe holding me until I fell asleep last night. I am grateful for my scrabble friends.

January 10, 2015

today I am grateful to have slept until I woke up even though I missed love and inspiration this morning. I am grateful for the love and support of my regulars who met and talked without me I am grateful for all those who have said they would be part of the team chopped challenge. I am grateful for Zoe letting me sleep. I am grateful for the kind words from Kelleigh about yesterdays workshop

January 9, 2015

Today I am grateful to have been able to sleep in and rest as I have been feeling so tired lately. I am grateful for Zoe being so supportive during a challenging time in my life. I am grateful for all I am learning about myself and others  I am grateful for remembering everything I learned in CPE. I am grateful for the little things in my life that make the world a better place like a warm cup in my hands on a cold day or the smell of freshly washed linens

January 8, 2015

today I am grateful for my new bluetooth. I am grateful for Zoe's love and support. I am grateful for a clean desk, well it was until I got moving this morning. I am grateful for the support of my team. I am grateful for the bluejays outside our window who are bringing flashes of color on a winter day. 

January 7, 2015

This morning I am grateful for the visit with my cardiologist who said I looked the best he had ever seen me, but he did not want to see me again for another year. I am grateful for Zoe taking me where I need to go and never complaining. I am grateful for Kelleigh and the leadership role she is beginning to take on in our team. I am grateful for the groceries in our home. I am grateful for my friends who love and support me.

January 6, 2015

This morning I am grateful for what I learned last night about the technology challenges that come with being blind. I am grateful for the clothes that keep me warm. I am grateful for the iced tea that Alan bought me. i am grateful for the melting snow which makes it easy for me to leave my home. I am grateful for the ties that bind me to other human beings. I am grateful for the chances I have to practice hospitality.

January 5, 2015

Today i am grateful to be caught up with my grading, or at least I was when I went to sleep at 3 am. I am grateful for the positive feedback from Deedee about their premarital counseling sessions. I am grateful for the chance to reconnect with Kathryn yesterday and to create ways to get her reinvolved and active. I am grateful for the team effort to help Yaz. I am grateful to have slept and gotten some, albeit not enough, sleep. 

Januiary 4, 2015

Today I am grateful for Alan and Kelleigh who bought Zoe a sander to borrow. i am grateful for my team who is talking to me about their anxiety. I am grateful for Zoe's wilingness to help me. i am grateful for my evolving relationship with Barbara. I am grateful for warm socks and shoes on cold days