March 4, 2019

Today I am grateful for the wars in my head which I win. Today I am grateful for reconnecting with a few former team members. I am grateful for the pain killers which keep me comfortable when i take them. I am grateful for the ideas which come to me. I am grateful for the washer and dryer upstairs so I can keep things clean.

March 3, 2019

Today I am grateful for the forced decluttering of my desk to make more room for Mr Mittens. I am grateful for the inspiration and ideas I am given. I am grateful for all the work I got done yesterday and all I will get done today. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for recipes I found today

March 2, 2019

Today I am grateful for all I got done yesterday. I am grateful I was able to whip together a vegan bbq dinner for last night. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family. I am grateful for not having a headache. I am grateful for listening to my inspiration

March 1, 2019

today I am grateful February is over. I am grateful for the promises March brings. I am grateful for Mittens love and affection. I am grateful for those who refuse to kitnap from me. I am grateful for a good nights sleep.

February 28, 2019

I am grateful for the protection from the elements. I am grateful for all the grading I got done. I am grateful for the ideas to blog about. I am grateful for true friends. I am grateful for the protection from people who are negative and harmful

February 27, 2019

Today I am grateful to have had no incidents last night or this morning. I am grateful for a warming and filling breakfast. I am grateful for warm clothes, beverages and shelter during this snow. I am grateful for all the grading I got done yesterday. I am grateful zoe is feeling better

February 26, 2019

I am grateful for having time to rest and heal this morning. I am grateful for the countdown to the deadwood leaving my team. I am grateful for slowly getting caught up on work. I am grateful for my craving spinach and other high fiber foods. I am grateful for having safe places to vent.

February 25, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the love and support of my team and my uplines. I am grateful for students who say thank you . I am grateful for warm coffee on a cold day. I am grateful for having our own washer and dryer

February 24, 2019

Today I am grateful for all that I have been spared in my life. I am grateful for the grading I got done yesterday. I am grateful to have fired myself from trying to help Tammy. I am grateful for slowly getting organized. I am grateful for my quick cooker

February 23, 2019

Today I am grateful for the awesome pot of soup I made in the Quick Cooker last night. I am grateful for Denise helping me find something which speaks to my soul. I am grateful Zoe is making progress on her book. I am grateful for the feedback on my poetry. I am grateful for the mailman who gave me a system that works

February 22, 2019

Today I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for the time with Ebony. I am grateful for Zoe’s sense of humor. I am grateful for all I have gotten done and all I will get done. I am grateful for warm showers. I am grateful for friends who make me laugh

February 21, 2019

Today I am grateful for another day. I am grateful for leftovers. I am grateful for clearing the air a bit with Wendy. I am grateful for Robin talking to Tammy. I am grateful for the love and support of my pc colleagues. I am grateful

February 20, 2019

Today I am grateful for the love and support I have from so many. I am grateful for being able to release my frustration with someone and replace it with compassion. I am grateful that my problem has been resolved. I am grateful for my students being so understanding. i am grateful for our new favorite dish

February 19, 2019

Today I am grateful to not be in as much back pain. I am grateful to have slept in this morning and gotten some additional rest. I am grateful for students who are working with me during challenging tech times. I am grateful for the book convo zoe and ihad. I am grateful for her feedback on my poetry

February 18, 2019

Today I am grateful for all I got done yesterday. I am grateful for time with Zoe. I am grateful for our new outdoor guy Matthew. i am grateful that will be open again tomorrow I am grateful for coffee, tea, and club soda.

February 17, 2019

Today I am grateful for the advice of those doing PC longer then me. I am grateful so many of my team members went to Coffee Talk live or in replay. I am grateful for the advice on what to do with Wendy’s party. I am grateful zoe is resting. I am grateful for the quiet to get things done. I am grateful for the time later to crochet

February 16, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up a a booking and a full calendar for March. So now everything for Feb or March is gravy. I am grateful for Kim’s party doing so well. I am grateful to be able to focus on my Mystery Host party now. I am grateful for the meds which keep me healthy. I am grateful Zoe feels good about Roto Rooter

February 15, 2019

Today I am grateful for the amazing time we had with Marla and Peter last night. I am grateful for dinner coming out so well. I am grateful for my team coming in 5th place in the Shilling Team Challenge. I am grateful for the relationship zoe and I have. I am grateful for the grocery delivery people. I am grateful for the new plow and landscape guy

February 14, 2019

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for all the people who prayed for me. I am grateful for Zoe talking to me about what is stressing her. I am grateful for all the grading I got done. I am grateful for the time today to work on booking parties. I am grateful for the protection from the elements

February 13, 2019

Today I am grateful for so many things like waking up. I am grateful I do not have cancer. I am grateful for my oncologist and her gifts and skills. I am grateful for my wife’s love and support. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family. I am grateful to be reconnected to sabrina