March 2, 2020

Today I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. I am grateful for having gotten some sleep last night. I am grateful for zoe taking care of herself. I am grateful for the support of my team. I am grateful for lessons learned. I am grateful for not taking things personally. I am grateful to no longer be under W

March 1, 2020

Today I am grateful my team was green I am grateful for the prayers and support of friends and family. I am grateful for the love and support of my team. I am grateful I did not accept negative energy. I am grateful for the sleep i got and the new recruitment kit

February 29, 2020

today I am grateful that this month is almost over. I am grateful for my relationship with Cory. I am grateful for being able to vent with Zoe. I am grateful for being strong enough to not listen to toxic information. I am grateful for not eating ice cream last night when i really wanted to.

February 28, 2020

Today I am grateful for those who are working to help us be green. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful for my somehow staying on top of things - well mostly — I am grateful for getting through to the next paycheck. I am grateful for the orders which will come out of nowhere. I am grateful for Zoe’s love and support

February 27, 2020

Today I am grateful I was able to be of service. I am grateful for the changes I am seeing in myself. I am grateful that I do not have to cook tonight. I am grateful that Deborah and Alyssa are learning how to talk a bit more. I am grateful I could speak truth in loe

February 26, 2020

Today I am grateful to have a new attitude. I am grateful for the honesty of my friend Cory. I am grateful for the second chance in lead the way. I am grateful for the loyalty and commitment of liz and amanda. I am grateful Alyssa liked the teriyaki sauce with honey.

February 25, 2020

So today I am going to be grateful I have not cried as much today. Grieving sucks. I am grateful for Cory telling me I did not need to apologize even though I still feel like I have let so many people down. I am grateful to feel, even when it hurts as the pain guides me to where I most need to heal. I am grateful for Alyssa and her hugs as they truly helped. I am grateful for the pain as it reminds me how much this means to me.

February 24, 2020

Today I am grateful to have gotten some sleep, even if it was interrupted. I am grateful Eileen came through her surgery ok. I am grateful Zoe had a good weekend in rome. I am grateful for the cop who reduced her speeding ticket. I am grateful she helps me financially when I need it

February 23, 2020

Today I am grateful Zoe had a sense of humor when she got her ticket. I am grateful I found the cat puke and cleaned it up. I am grateful for being nominated for the student engagement award even if I am not eligible to receive it. I am grateful to be alive

February 22, 2020

Today I am grateful that I can express my fears and frustrations to Zoe and know I am safe. I am grateful for the order from Cheryl last night which helped my one party qualify. I am grateful for every order and every host who is helping my personal business and my team. I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful for the ability to feel as not everyone can

February 21, 2020

Today I am grateful for the fun time I had yesterday. I am grateful for the love and support of Deborah and Zoe and so many others. I am grateful for a good nights sleep. I am grateful to be slowly catching up on schoolwork and getting some folks motivated at pc. I am grateful for my patience and ability to help others learn. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service

February 20, 2020

Today I am grateful for my patience and persistence. I am grateful for my liftline ride. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends. I am grateful for a restful night sleep. I am grateful for Zoe loaning me a sweater.

February 19, 2020

Today I am grateful to have gotten through my largest stack of grading — 2 more to go. I am grateful for Cory’s love and support. I am grateful for knowing when to hold them and fold them with Marla. I am grateful for fighting my way through the grief. I am grateful for knowing when to call it a night.

February 18, 2020

Today I am grateful just to be alive. I am grateful I have a heart that hurts because it tells me I cared about those who died. I am grateful Zoe is a survivor and not a statistic. I am grateful for Angel’s help in finding support for Ticia. I am grateful for friends who love and support me.

February 17, 2020

Today I am grateful that I can be on this journey with Ticia. I am grateful that I do not have cancer. I am grateful that Zoe is a survivor. I am grateful for those who study and work to end this disease. I am grateful to be alive.

February 16, 2020

Today I am grateful to have slept most of the night. I am grateful for food in our house and clothes on our back. I am grateful for all I am doing to catch up and rebuild my business. i am grateful for zoe’s love and support. I am grateful for the tea which brings me peace

February 15, 2020

Today i am grateful that Zoe has offered to cook with me two days in a row. I am grateful for her separating the laundry. I am grateful for the orders which are coming in. I am grateful for slowly getting reorganized and catching up on life. I am grateful for my friends and customers who support me

February 14, 2020

Today I am grateful that I have a wife who loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for my changes in leadership this year. I am grateful that Deborah let me use some of her potatoes. I am grateful for not having to go out in the cold today. I am grateful for the ability to work at home

February 13, 2020

Today I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for all I have gotten done with grading. I am grateful for Liz supporting me. I am grateful for all those who believe in me. I am grateful for all the parties I will book today. I am grateful for the liftline ride i will get for tomorrow.

February 12, 2020

Today I am grateful to be cancer free. Happy anniversary to me. I am grateful for the love and support of so many. I am grateful to be able to connect with my students from the past. I am grateful for my new acronym. I am grateful for learning to speak my truth in love.