September 7, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time I am grateful for the grace i am learning to walk in and share each day. I am grateful to be grateful as i know those who cannot. i am grateful for theorders which are flowing in for beth and rayna and patricia and i and those who will be joining I am gratful for the work i am getting doneand the goodness which will see me through everything to stay on top of things

September 6, 2022

today i am grateful to have gotten dressed by myself. I am grateful for Max;s encouragement. I am grateful to be in tolerable pain and not intolerable. I am grateful for my students who are communicating with me. I am grateful for the love zoe and I share and our reading a book together.

September 5, 2022

today i am grateful to be sleeping through the night lately. I am grateful for the energy i had yesterday i am gratful for zoe enjoying reading again. I am grateful for the progress i am making in booking parties and filling my claendar. i am grateful for the progress i am making in catching up at school I am grateful for the food I have made and the food in our frig

September 4, 2022

today i am grateful to have been able to sleep in a little bit. I am gratful for not being in as much pain I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for eileen’s friendship. I am grateful for the water i have to drink

September 3, 2022

today i am grateful to just be alive. i am grateful for the work I got done yesterday. i am grateful to be feeling better. I am grateful for the food in our house and the money to pay my bills. I am grateful for my friends who love and support me

September 2, 2022

today i am grateful for today even though i am not sure where it went. I am grateful for all I have accomplished and I will accomplish. I am grateful for the beautiful weather I am grateful for the cookies we ate last night. I am grateful for the students asking for help. I am grateful for my friends who love and support me

September 1, 2022

Today I am grateful for all the energy slowly flowing into my team. I am grateful for the way the Ultimate is helping me attract people who really want to wrok. I am grateful for the work I am getting done. I am grateful for the sleep I am getting. I am grteful for waking up energized today. i am grateful for friends like eileen

August 31, 2022

i am grateful for the love in my life and the friends who support me. i am grateful for Bennett doing such a great job. I am grateful for Beth and the team she is bulding. i am grateful for the friendship I have with Eileen. I am grateful for the library and the people who support zoe

August 30, 2022

today i am grateful for not taking things personally. I am grateful for the friends I have who love and support me. i am grateful for how hard my team is working this month, well some of them lol. I am grateful for my convo with milo. I am grateful for the cookies zoe had me order last night. I am grateful for the time to rest and nap when i need to

August 29, 2022

today i am grateful to be awake one more day. I am grateful for those who love and support me. i am grateful for the warm cider to drink. I am grateful for the energy I have. I am grateful for the technology which supports me. i am grateful for the brain and heart I have

August 28, 2022

today i am grateful for the renewed energy on my team I am grateful for the work i am getting done and the organization i have in place for the fall I am grateful for letting things go and embracing the present. i am grateful for the last bagel this morning and the new meals I am making this week I am grateful for the new driveway and being halfway through the drying period

August 27, 2022

today i am grateful to be able to take time to grieve I am gateful for Angel and I speaking again. I am grateful for the support of friends and thos who understand. I am grateful to still be here. I am grateful for memories

August 26, 2022

today i am grateful to have worken up one more time. I am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful for the good things in my life. i am grateful for the time to rest a little bit yesterday. I am grateful for the time to read this weekend and to get organized.

August 25, 2022

Today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful for the love in my life. i am grateful for students who appreciate me. I am grateful for jessica’s thirst for education. I am grateful for Beth working so hard. I am grateful for the positive energy in my life. I am grateful for eileen and george getting home safely

march 24, 2022

today i am grateful for the love zoe and i share. I am grateful eileen is doing better and for geroge being there to support her. i am grateful for milo being back. I am grateful for the papers from summer coming in. I am grateful for being able to close out incompetes

August 23, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the love zoe and i have. I am grateful Eileen is feeling better. I am grateful they arrived safely in Maryland. I am grateful for the coffee in the frig that I hope will wake me up.

August 22, 2022

today i am grateful for waking up one more time. I am grateful for the comforters which kept me warm. I am grateful for the cookies which satisfied my sweet tooth. I am grateful for zoe’s reading space. i am gratful for my wter bottle. i am grateful for the tea I have been drinking

August 21, 2022

today i am grateful for my two parties that will reach 1000 in guest sales — now if i can get one more this month i will be thrilled. I am grateful for the sleep I got last night. I am gratefulfor the passion Beth is bringing to the team I am grateful that Sandy is finding her legs. i am grateful fl for the new team members that are coming. I am grateful for the positive energy flowing and through my life.

August 20, 2022

today i am grateful i do not have to leave the house. i am grateful the trees will be cared for on tuesday. I am grateful for my friendship with eileen. I am grateful for those who helped me at rts yestrday i am grateful for my eye drs. I am grateful for hosts who are working their parties

August 19, 2022

today i am grateful to have woken up one more time. i am grateful that i did not miss my bus being here early. i am grateful for zoe’s love and support. I am grateful for eileen taking care of herelf. i am grateful for the water i have to drink