It never ceases to amaze me how God hears and answers prayers. Several years ago, I experienced a change in my life that caused me to really evaluate my life. It became clear to me that I was going to have to make some changes in my life. One of the things I was praying about was whether or not to continue writing a column for a local newspaper. I told God, if I am supposed to continue doing this, then please let me know. Send me some sign that my writing this column is really making a difference. Let me know that somebody is actually reading it. Let me know that this is still one of those things that you are calling me to do.
See for me praying is about faith, but it is also about trust. Trusting that God is going to hear and answer my prayers. The answer may not come as I expect it to, but it will come. Come it did. I was at the Greater Rochester Community of Church’s Faith In Action Awards dinner and this woman came up to me and told me how grateful she was to be able to meet me and how she read this column monthly. So please let me say thank you for allowing God to use you to answer my prayers. Thank you for letting me know that the meditations of my heart are important to put out in this universe each month.
I have been thinking a lot about buts (please note that I do mean the kind with one t, not two). You know buts, that word that we use to get out of something. I would do that for you, but. That word we use when we don’t trust ourselves. I would do that, but I am not sure I have what it takes. But – that word that we all too often rest on so that we don’t have to trust ourselves. For a moment, I was resting on my but. I was telling myself, I could continue to write this column, but I don’t think it is making a difference.
But – it is that thing that we all too often think we can’t survive without, only to find out we can. I would go back to school and get my degree, but I am not smart enough, don’t have time enough, don’t have money enough, but whatever enough to do it. Trust means you cut off your but and you do it anyway. Trust means that you cut off your but and know that you will be able to get along just fine without it. Just think how much would get done in this world if people got off and stopped depending on their buts.
But – are you willing to put your but on the line and start trusting yourself more than your excuses? I am not saying that learning to trust is easy. It’s not. Learning how to trust, as the HGTV commercial says, starts at home. Start with yourself. Start by having a good thought for yourself or about yourself. No buts, just start thinking something positive for or about yourself each and every day. No buts, just start to remember that God smiled the day you were born. No buts, just start to tell yourself that God loves you just as you are. No buts, just think about how you are praying that you have a great day today because you deserve it.
Trust what you are thinking. Know it is the right thing. Stop telling yourself I think we should paint the trim espresso brown, but maybe I’m wrong. Trust your instincts and remove the buts. Tell yourself I know I can do this. I trust my instincts. When the spirit inside me is telling me I don’t need to go somewhere, then I just don’t need to go. When something tells you that the potential Mr. or Ms Right is really Mr. or Ms right now, trust it and kick the buts out. If that voice in the back of your head is saying this is him/her – trust it. Stop trying to find buts to doubt what you know.
If you don’t trust yourself, then trust your GPS (God Protection System) aka your intuition. Don’t panic. Develop a plan to get you through. Give it to your Higher Power in prayer, if God comes back with changes then make them. Give thanks for the Infinite’s guidance and start working your plan. Keep working your plan, checking your progress until you reach the emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, or physical prosperity you are striving for. Not sure that it is guidance from your Higher Power, then ask yourself this. Is it a good thought about or for you? If it is believe it and believe it is the right thought. Trust God and trust the voice of God in you.