Faith, for some, is about the relationship they have with their Higher Power. Faith is about one’s level of awareness and attunement to the presence of the Higher Power in our everyday lives. So deepening one’s faith is like developing any relationship. That deep knowledge of what the Divine can do in and through our lives develops over time. It is about our constant interaction with our spiritual partner. Through our interactions we
Practicing faith, then, is like developing any relationship. You have to give it time and attention. We have opportunities to interact with the Divine in every aspect of our lives and with all of our senses. You have to have confidence in your relationship with the Infinite that will bring you the mysteries, doubts, and paradoxes that one may encounter in life. Trust in this faith, even to the point of staking your life on it. Thomas Merton described faith as a dance with Spirit. “God is the lead dance and the soul is the partner completely attuned to the rhythm and patterns set by the partner. The soul does not lead, but neither does the soul hang limp like a sack of potatoes. Imagine yourself dancing with your Higher Power. What images and feelings come to you as you maneuver across the dance floor together? Are you actively engaged with your partner as you dance across the floor or are you being dragged from one position to another?
The challenges many face in learning to attune themselves to spirit is the resistance to the messages one receives and a heart that is not open to growth and transformation. When this happens within us, then we become that limp partner, no longer able to move and experience the mystery and magic of the Infinite. While often times, it is the challenges in our life, which inspire us to engage in this dance with Spirit. It is important to remember that every moment in life is about moving in connection with our Higher Power and staying intuned to the rhythm and patterns of our Spiritual partner.