How do you do it?
Everyone seems to think
my life is in balance,
but like everyone else
it is a dance
that I constantly work at
so I can balance my 3 jobs,
time for family and friends,
time for me
and time to spend with the Ultimate.
It is not about one or the other,
rather, how I intentionally work
to stay in balance,
or come back to it
when I allow life
to throw me out of balance.
Thinking about balance reminds
me of being on a seesaw with my best friend.
She always worked with me to ensure
neither of us was the one who was always
up or down.
Although it is not always comfortable,
or easy,
I try to make time for the relationships
which are so important,
even if it means I do not
get all my work done.
At the end of my life,
it is those I love
who will remember
I made time for them
as I strove to balance my life.