Did You Miss It?
Growing up, I would hear
"Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert".
Did you not see it?
The question was always about
what I did not see.
I was reminded I missed seeing the new ways.
It was always about what I did not see,
but as I think about the way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert,
I realize I not only missed seeing them,
but hearing them,
smelling them,
and seeing them.
They were not just things to be seen,
but things to be fully experienced.
If I were not present,
I did more then miss seeing them,
I missed experiencing their existence.
I missed things I may have noticed before
like ways in the wilderness,
but also those which were unusual and uncommon
like rivers in the desert.
I missed hearing the water flowing
and restoring life to the land and the people
Did you miss it too?
Did you miss life being restored?
Did you miss hearing the water
and the sounds of it being absorbed
and of flowing?
Did you miss the sounds of those rejoicing
from the rivers that flowed
and the life it bought them?
Did you hear the celebration of those
who could now find their way out of the wilderness?
Did you smell the feast happening in the midst
of the celebration
because they had hope.
What are we missing right now
because the Ultimate is still doing new things?
What ways are you missing right now
that were left to guide you out of your wilderness?
What life are you not quenching
because you missed the river in your desert?
Be present.
Don’t miss it!
See it,
hear it,
feel it, and
experience it.
Be present so
you do not miss it.
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