I know people who rarely sneeze
I, on the other hand, sneeze frequently.
I don’t just sneeze once or two,
I consistently sneeze numerous times.
Once I sneezed 23 times in a row.
Sneezing happens for a diversity of reasons,
but generally because something is irritated.
I don’t like sneezing, but I always feel better afterwards.
Perhaps it is because someone has said
one word which is actually a blessing.
it’s about blessing someone with good health.
It’s about saying
I care about you and
I want you to be healthy.
Sometimes we hear a person sneezing
but sometimes the world is sneezing as well.
The world sneezes when egos have
eased God out.
The world sneezes when leaders are
warring with each other
instead of seeking peace.
In this time of global and individual sneezing
may we bless each other and simply say
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