It’s like a tug of war.
I want to think I am in control,
But I know I am not.
Each time I attempt to control,
I make my world smaller.
So I let go
I remind myself I am not in charge
As I do,
As I open myself up,
My world expands.
I became part of that expansion
I become part of the present
I become a part of this web of connections
I become part of something
I keep asking them
Because I want to know the truth
I want more than a superficial answer
I want a deep understanding.
They are like a quest
One leads to another
Which leads to another
And they lead me to a deeper understanding
They help to have a deeper understanding of the truth
I ask them because I can
I ask them because I have the right to
I ask them because I want to know
I ask them because they bring me
To a truth
Which can only be answered
Through questions