In thinking about what to write about this week I had a choice of products beginning with Large, one with Layer and one with Lemon (Lemon Pepper Rub). As I thought about it, I realized that layers was the perfect choice as we are all layered in various ways. This week, I am going to focus on the Layer Cake Pan Set.
One of the things I like about these cake pans is that they have a fill line inside the pan to act as a guide for batter so your cakes don’t bake over the rim. It also keeps each layer coming out the same depth, so when you slice into them later, each layer of your cake is the same depth. Having these even layers in my cakes has left my friends wondering if the cake was made by me or a professional. Did I make this myself or buy it from the local bakery?
These fill lines make me wonder what the world would be like if each layer of our world was filled to the same level. If we valued each group of people equally. As I tell my students it is not that difference is problematic, but not valuing those groups equally which becomes problematic.
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