March 12, 2014

This morning I am grateful for having done our grocery shopping last night so we did not have to go out in the snow today. I am grateful for the wisdom to reschedule my eye doctor's appointment which was supposed to be for today. I am grateful for the angel card reading I had last night which confirmed my ministry and what I am to be doing. I am grateful for the decision to allow myself to sleep in this morning. I am grateful for all the new people who I got to meet last night.

March 11, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up feeling rested and refreshed. I am grateful to Zoe for putting the oils on my feet to help me sleep. I am grateful for friends who ask me how I am doing. I am grateful to Zoe for lovingly resolving a situation neither of us wanted to happen at this time. I am grateful. I am grateful for the opportunity to get to school and back on liftline today. 

March 10, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have slept through the night, especially since I was struggling to get comfortable. I am grateful that I had some quiet time for myself last night. I am grateful I have gotten better at protecting my boundaries and telling people when I am not comfortable I am the best person to assist them, especially when they do not like my decision. I am grateful for having our own washer and dryer to do laundry. I am grateful for the honesty Zoe and I share with each other.

March 9, 2014

Oh what a beautiful morning! I am grateful for the warmer weather we had yesterday. I am grateful for the few minutes I had to spend with my friend Michael yesterday evening. I am grateful for friends who take the time to ask how I am and how they can support me. I am grateful for the green I am seeing peak out from under the snow. I am grateful for leftovers on days when I am busy.

March 8, 2014

Today, my heart is both breaking and overflowing. I was reminded yesterday of how much I have to be grateful for in my life because I either don't have or no longer have in my life. I am grateful I am not in a relationship which involves domestic violence. I am grateful that I love myself and my family enough that I can put my foot down when I need to and say I can no longer help you. I am grateful for JD who blessed our ministry yesterday in so many ways and confirmed my work through his drawing/reading. I am grateful for my students who have been so patient with me this last week while I catch up on life. I am grateful for all the wonderful people I met yesterday who came here for the first time.

March 7, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the extra half hour I have to get some stuff done today. I am grateful for Sam and Zoe helping to clean the house this morning. I am grateful for the new toilet brush as the other one was falling apart. I am grateful to finally meet JD this morning. I am grateful for the progress I made in catching up with grading yesterday.

March 6, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woken up one more time. I am grateful for the opportunities to be of service. I am grateful for the healing power of oils and prayers. I am grateful for being done with Charle's dissertation. I am grateful for the chance to work at home, especially during this cold weather. I am grateful for friends who are willing to challenge me and support me in moving through the obstacles I have yet to break down and move through.

March 5, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have woke up one more time. I am grateful for Dr Heather who used her gifts to help Zoe yesterday. I am grateful for being done with this one project. I am grateful for the healing which has happened in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities I have to be of service to others. 

March 4, 2014

Today, I am grateful for the people who are part of the family I have created for myself, who love me unconditionally. I am grateful to know that my brother that I have not spoken to in 7 years is ok. I am grateful for the opportunity I will have in May to see my niece Becca who I have not seen in almost 9 years. I am grateful for being loving enough with myself to take time to honor and process my feelings. I am grateful for being able to be aware of what I am feeling and experiencing and to live in the moment.

March 3, 2014

This morning I am grateful for those in my circle who love me unconditionally and send me nothing but positive energy. I am grateful for all the people who read my blog and leave me comments. I am grateful for the choice I made to take time this summer to work on my own writing. I am grateful for my wife who always gives me the space I need to do the work I have been called to do. I am grateful for my friend Sam who brought me 5 bottles of my favorite thing to drink when I am having to put in long hours on a project -- club soda.

March 2, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the regulars in our love and inspiration group. I am grateful for the things my wife does to express her love for me each day. I am grateful for my giving myself permission to take a nap today. I am grateful for reminding myself it is okay that I did not get things posted before love and inspiration today. I am grateful for the things I am giving thanks for manifesting in my lives and the lives of my friends (i.e. a job for Zoe and Kerry, health for Max, Kerry, Zoe, me, etc.)

March 1, 2014

I am grateful to have gotten a good nights sleep and to have accomplished one large part of a project i am working on these next few days. I am grateful that I will be done with this project on Wednesday. I am grateful for the love which fills our home. I am grateful for Zoe's offer to assist me with a project today. I am grateful for the conversation I had with my brother Mark yesterday.

February 28, 2014

This morning I am grateful that I have a family who loves me unconditionally and who respects my boundaries when I need space. I am grateful that this project I agreed to do in a short time frame will be done within the next five days. I am grateful for the additional income it is giving me so that I can buy a newer, but used, computer. I am grateful my Uncle Dave and Aunt Lois are going to Mark and Patricia's wedding as I am not able to get there. I am grateful for the love and understanding of others when I have to reschedule things because I did not look at my calendar first 

February 27, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have had the chance to talk to my brother and his fiancee. I am grateful for a restful nights sleep and feeling re-energized today. I am grateful for the ability to guide a friend through a cleansing of his space. I am grateful for all the challenges I have not had to face in my life. I am grateful for the new and positive people coming into my life. I am grateful for all the negative energy which is leaving my life.

February 26, 2014

I am grateful that I was able to finish editing one chapter in this dissertation and get it off to the author this morning. I am grateful to have gotten some sleep, at least enough to wake up with some energy this morning. I am grateful to have woken up at all as I just learned that my future sister in laws cousin passed away yesterday.  I am grateful for my learning how to stay calm and loving, even when I am exhausted. I am grateful for giving myself permission to have played for a little bit yesterday to relieve some of the stress.

February 25, 2014

This morning I am grateful for the quiet time to work while everyone else is sleeping, such a rarity these days. I am grateful for the chance to celebrate my mother yesterday by making her rugelach and being able to share it with those I love. I am grateful for Dr Colleen Gordon being able to squeeze Zoe in to see her after she broke a tooth in her denture. I am grateful that Sam is so happy in his job. I am grateful for the time I had to talk with Tobie yesterday and to get to know her better.

February 24, 2014

This morning I am grateful that I took time to rest and relax yesterday. I am grateful for our emerging friendship with Max and Kerry. I am grateful for Zoe telling me what she wanted for breakfast this morning, which she rarely does. I am grateful to be caught up with my grading for a moment. I am grateful I did not apply for the job as chair of women and gender studies several years ago. 

February 23, 2014

This morning I am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and my ability to stay focused and still take moments to breathe, relax, and reward myself throughout the day. I am grateful for my friend Max who makes me laugh and brings out my inner child. I am grateful for the powerful conversation I had at Living the Five Agreements yesterday on Skype as it reminded me of the importance of not taking things personally and seeking clarification. I am grateful for my new right contact lens arriving yesterday. Finally, I am grateful for having my wife Zoe in my life who loves me unconditionally and always encourages me to be the best me I can be.

February 22, 2014

This morning I am grateful to just be present in this world one more time. i am grateful for all I accomplished yesterday and all I will accomplish today. I am grateful for the quiet time I had with Zoe last night. I am grateful for the time alone with me yesterday. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about Zoe's cousin Terry yesterday as I journey with her in her healing.

February 21, 2014

This morning I am grateful to have had our largest book club gathering ever last night -- three people on skype and five people at the table -- maybe we should do more joint gatherings (skype and live). I am grateful for acting on my commitment to quietly share what we do here with others (business card to the very nice helping hand guy and left a brochure in the natural self care aisle at wegman's). I am grateful for Zoe's patience with me when I get distracted. I am grateful to have learned more about elephants yesterday, especially the matriarchs. I am grateful for students who open their minds to thinking and learning.