Climate Control
Climate control is something many are concerned with these days.
Some think it is part of our infrastructure
and others do not.
Some think it is an issue
and others do not.
While the climate most are concerned with
is environmental.
The one I am working on daily
is emotional, mental, and spiritual.
It is about me monitoring
the energy I radiate to others,
the thoughts I allow to live within me
the words I use in communicating with others,
and the actions I take throughout the day.
I am about controlling the pollutants
I contribute to the environment.
I want my life to be about controlling
the negative energy,
which pollutes and harms people’s lives.
How I move through this world can
either contribute to a healthier environment
or a more polluted one.
Today I renew my commitment and invite you
to join me in reducing
the emotional and mental pollution
in our world.