Dear Universal Consciousness,
I just wanted to thank you for reminding me what a difference an R can make. It made me think about the story I was once told about how the difference between evolving and revolving is an R. if I keep doing or believing the same thing repeatedly, then I am not evolving. It is as if I am trapped in one of those revolving doors, which I have often seen in a department store. I am just revolving through life and not evolving.
It is reassuring to remember that I do not have to believe in or agree to the same things for my entire life. As I grow and evolve, what I believe should also change. What I believe is in my mind. They only have power over me as long as I agree that they are true and give them power in my life. When I realize they no longer need to reside in my mind, I can say to them, “you are no longer true” and release them from my Book of Law.
There have been times in my life when I have tried to hold to agreements from my past, which I no longer really agree with and all I have experienced is suffering. Then I have to ask myself, “Why are you causing yourself to suffer?” I try to look at the belief that is causing me suffering. If I no longer believe in it, then I let it go. Sometimes I have found that I hold on to it because it feels familiar. It is like wearing a sweater that has holes in it and worn out spaces. It is familiar, but it has served its purpose.
The one thing you have taught me throughout my life is to follow my heart. When I have gone where my heart has led me, even when it has been into the unfamiliar, I have always been met with love. When I follow my internal GPS system (my intuition), I never get lost. I always find my way along a path of ever-unfolding love and growth. I find myself avoiding the revolving doors and constantly walking a journey of evolution and growth. Sometimes r’s are important, but when they block my evolution, they are of no use in my life.