This Little Light
It may not have been the first song I learned,
but it is the one I remember learning
at my earliest church memory.
I have temple ones, too,
but singing this little light of mine
stays with me
because in it I made a promise to myself
that I was going to let the light within me shine.
This little light of mine,
I’m going to let it shine.
It never asked me to hide my light,
or conceal my gifts,
or deny the talents and abilities
the Ultimate gave me.
Rather it had me promise myself
to let that little light shine.
When I listen to my intuition,
I am letting it shine.
When I am honoring my ideas,
I am letting it shine.
When I write my poems and my prose,
I am letting it shine.
I know there have been times
I did not let it shine,
but then I took the covers off
I had let others put on me
and now I let my little light shine
I not only let it shine,
but I encourage it to shine as brightly as it can.
I may have had moments where I betrayed myself
in the past,
but now,
I just let it shine.
I let it shine,
let it shine,
and let it shine.
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