Dear Sharon
Going back in time
Doing my best
Staying Encouraged
And It Rang Again
Remembering the Headlights
Sleepless in Rochester
Answered Prayers
I have been meaning to sit down and journal about a few things for a few days. So while I am here doing other things on the site, I thought I would also write about answered prayers. It never ceases to amaze me how my prayers are answered. For example, summers are always tight financially as i go months without a paycheck at times. I was blessed this summer to have been given an additional course to teach. However, one week before my first summer paycheck came in, I was short $20 of purchasing another liftline pass so I could travel to campus and teach. I decided that somehow it was all going to be ok and I would find the money to do so, even if i paid in pennies for the next week. A few hours later, I got an email from someone who has owed me money for services rendered a long time ago. She had been underemployed and just began a new job. She wanted me to know she had just put a money order in the mail for $20. Prayer answered.
Then yesterday, I wrote my blog for the Zenful Kitchen and wrote about how I was going to invest in a good set of kitchen knives to assist me in becoming a better cook. A few hours later, one of my clients called me and asked me if I would like a set of chef's knives. I asked her if she had read my blog and she said no. I told her to read my blog and she would have my answer. Prayer answered.
Sunday morning meanderings
I just wanted to take a moment this morning to just be. I am sitting at my computer and everyone else in our home is asleep. In the quiet, I can hear the birds outside having a conversation with each other. I wonder are they saying, come eat, the feast is prepared because the bird feeder was refilled yesterday. When we feed them, do they understand and feel the love and gratitude we have for them. When we water the plants in our yard, are we doing it with an attitude of love or obligation. I am always amazed at how everytime I water them, I can see a rainbow in the water. I hope our plants feel the love and our concern for their health and well being. As I think about this, I am thinking I need to talk with Zoe about watering our grass. What are we saying when we do not -- we do not care for you. Just because others in our neighborhood do not water there lawns, does not make it ok for us to not water ours. It is time to show a little love to that which we look at everyday and have not been paying adequate attention to, other then to mow it.
I fell down and _________.
Sometimes I just have to laugh at myself, especially when I do not take my own advice. I am not sure where my brain was Thursday morning. It was obviously not in my head. Zoe and I went to the Public Market to do some shopping. After having a not so great veggie breakfast empanada, I decided to see if any of the little shops that are normally open on Saturdays in this indoor section were open on Thursday and sadly they were not. As I came back out, I failed to look for the curb cut and sailed off the curb in my wheelchair without my seat belt on and went flying landing on my hands and knees. It was one of those in slow motion moments. Before I knew it Zoe and a slew of men were there wanting to help me and make sure I was ok. Fortunately, I was fine and outside of a few sore areas in my knees and back (the two healthiest parts of my body -- lol) I was fine. The frustrating part was getting back on my feet. I knew what I needed to do. I was able to get my left foot on the ground. However, I had trouble communicating what I needed people to do with my right leg. Ultimately, I was able to communicate what I needed them to do to help me and my right foot was on the ground and I was back in my chair. So what did I learn from this great adventure. Well, for one I saw the love in Zoe's eyes and it was a blessing to know how after all these years she still loves me. I learned that I need to remember to stay in the present and be mindful of my surroundings. I am not sure what time zone I was in at that moment, but it was not the present. I was reminded that we all fall down. Sometimes we can get back up on our own. However, sometimes we need the help of others. The important thing is that we keep trying and that we do get back up again. And so I did, finished my shopping, and came home, and then left again to teach Queer Theory at SUNY Brockport. I wish I could thank all those who helped me get back up again. Hopefully, someone will be there for them as they were there for me.
It's been an Independence kind of year
I have been thinking about how much my life has changed this past year. In some respects I look like the same person, but internally, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, I have changed. Physically, I have also changed in ways that are visible and invisible. As Alice Walker's writing once taught me, "we are never the same river twice." Even by the time I finish this reflection I will physically be a new being. Cells will have died and others will be in their place. I still have things I am working on in my life, but changing the things I have agreed to in my life have created a more peaceful, loving and energizing world. Everything in my life is being or has been decluttered. I am making myself a priority because I am worth it. From coloring my hair burgundy with red and purple highlights this weekend to buying new and nice clothes to releasing relationships with were energy draining it has been about sharon loving sharon. So today as I get ready for our 4th of July BBQ, I am celebrating my independence from all that which weighed me down and was zapping my energy. Free at last, free at last, thank you Creator, I am free at last.
It's Time for a Change!
So this past year has been an amazing journey for me! Inspiritual will be one year old at the end of this month. Whoo hoo! I have grown by leaps and bounds in my own journey. I hope some of the people who have been journeying with me have grown as well. I have seen several of my clients transform before my eyes. While I am excited for them, I am excited about my own growth and evolution. I have gotten rid of the majority of my black clothes. I have gone from wearing the cheapest things I could buy, which fell apart fairly quickly to investing in a few things which look awesome, are bright and colorful and which say to the world -- "I love myself." I have been losing weight, eating healthy, getting out in the sun more, doing all kinds of things that are good for me. Yesterday, I got my hair styled. After 10 years of shaving my head, I decided to let my hair grow out and so I told my stylist let's do this. I am going back to see her today to get it colored -- goodbye grey -- nothing wrong with the grey -- but I am not a grey kind of gurl -- so brown and burgundy it is :) What does the song say -- I feel good, I knew that I would, now So good, so good, I got me (ok, i know it says you, but this is my song today). It is going to be a great day!
Let the journey continue
So my time working through Denise Linn’s book is over. I have not been led to another place, so for now, I am just going to write her as I feel led to. It will continue to be my private space to write about what is going on within my soul. For now, all I know is this; my goal is that I strive each day to be filled with the love and light of the Infinite Presence and to share that with all that I meet on a daily basis. So for now, be blessed and know you are were created in the image of the Creator who is love, that you are love, and are loved. Be blessed.
My Earth Goals
During Earth week, I will be working on the following goals:
- Becoming more connected to my body.
- Attending to my health.
- Detoxifying my body.
- Understanding how to use my body’s physiology.
- Connecting more fully with nature.
- Creating a home for my soul.
- Taking action for a positive future.
My Fire Goals
While I am working through the exercises for this week on fire, my goals will be:
- to meditate on my inner light
- to have fun
- to step into a deeper level of trust and faith
- to listen to my intuition and any inner voices urging me in new directions
- to change some of my routines and habits
- to take risks
- to spend more time being creative
- to examine my fears
- to spend time with my spiritual partners
- to move out of the shadows and into the light
My Water Goals
As this week is about emotional cleansing, these are my water goals for this week:
- Continue to explore my emotional life
- Continue to cleanse and declutter my home and office
- Evaluate my relationships
- Speak my truth in love
- Connect with my inner child and take time to play
- Embrace my childlike wonder.
- Examine childhood issues
- Explore my dreams
- Follow my intuition
- Allows the water in the shower to cleanse my body and my spirit
- Check my plumbing and fix any leaks
- Experience the spirit of water
- Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day to flush toxins out of my system
My Process Journal
My Daily Affirmations
April 1, 2011 -- My evaluation of myself is not who I am.
I honor my commitments to myself and to others.
There is clarity within me and around me.
I love and accept who I am and who I am is enough.
Fresh, invigorating energy fills my life.
I am safe and centered no matter where I am.
Who I am is enough
I unconditionally accept my feelings and what I feel is not who I am.
My life experiences have powerful, positive meaning.
I am moving into harmony with everyone and everything in my universe.
I am loved and loveable. I love deeply and fully and am loved deeply and fully.
In the center of my being, there is always stillness and peace.
My life is blessed, and I am so grateful.
Who I am is enough, just as I am.
I am safe.
I am free to experience joy in every moment of my life, no matter what is happening in my life.
I unconditionally accept all parts of myself.
I invite the pure light of sun into my heart. May it shine from my heart to the world.
I live in the present moment with courage and love.
I am a loving spiritual being.
Incredible creative life forces flow through my entire being.
I am one with my earth, I am one with my body.
MY mind, body, and spirit are clear channels for love, kindness, and the Infinite Presence.
My body is incredibly strong and healthy.
I am in harmony with the natural rhythm of life.
I am at home, no matter where I am.
My future is filled with love, joy, and peace.
I give love deeply and fully. I receive love deeply and fully. My essence is love.