It’s naptime!

This week has been filled to the brim with things to do. Zoe’s high school friend Barb came to visit for a few days and I was busy grading final papers and ensuring that once again I was able to get my final grades submitted on time. While I knew there were other projects waiting to be worked on, the time demands on them were not as pressing as getting my grading done. However, now that I am done with my grading, I feel the need to just crawl into bed and take a nap. There is a part of me, which feels as if now I should begin working on my next project. At the same time, there has been a part of me, which has been feeling as if it is time to lie down and take a nap. As I sat here and argued with myself, I received this message from God, an application on Facebook, that said “To make a big decision, give yourself time and space away from the mundane so that the sacred can emerge.”
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Oh what a beautiful morning!

I wish I could explain what is going on with me energy wise, but I am not sure that I can. All I know is that since December 13 I have woken up with bounds of energy. For the last several days, I have woken up singing Oh What a Beautiful Morning in my head. I have not heard that song for decades, but every morning I have been waking up singing this song in my head and the reality is that each day this week has been amazingly beautiful. Some might say it is because there is a shift in the energy as we move closer to the end of the Mayan calendar. Others might explain it a diversity of ways. All I know is that this is how I am waking up and the attitude that has been prevailing in my spirit. Even the other day when I heard about the mass killing at the elementary school in Connecticut, my joy was not broken. That is not to say I did not feel compassion for those who were involved in this tragic event, I did and am still holding them in prayer. However, my feelings were not an either or but a both and. I felt deep compassion for those who were suffering, but could still appreciate the “bright golden haze on the meadows.”
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What I appreciate

Most of this week, I have been thinking about my recent blog about the distinction between gratitude and appreciation. “Melody Beattie said, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Gratitude is the base from which we can gain a greater appreciation of life and its offerings. Appreciation involves awareness and mindfulness. Our ability to appreciate all of what life is revealing to us is dependent on our being present, aware, and actively reflecting on why we are grateful for what we are. It is through our awareness that our appreciation of that which we are grateful grows and blossoms.”
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Me and Masks

I have been thinking about something, which was said to me during a tarot reading a few weeks ago. The reader told me I have this external image of being peaceful, calm, and happy, however, there are things from my past, which weigh me down. In essence, there were masks I wore and parts of myself I did not openly share with others. Perhaps those were not the exact words shared with me; it is however how I remember it. Those words have come and gone from my memory. However, this morning as I was reading from Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements Companion Book. He wrote, “We know we are not what we believe we are supposed to be and so we feel false, frustrated, and dishonest. We try to hide ourselves, and we pretend to be what we are not. The result is that we feel unauthentic and wear social masks to keep others from noticing this.” he challenged the readers to think about what masks we wear around others? Why do we wear them? What would happen if we took them off? What would it be like to express who we really are?
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Releasing Judgment

Ah, to be seven again. It was interesting trying to explain the four agreements to a 7 year old last night. Trying to explain being impeccable with your word was fun. We talked about being positive in what you think and say about yourself and others and she looked at me with this and your point is kind of face. So following the third agreement to seek clarification, I asked her if she ever thought anything negative about anybody or herself. Her response was why would I. I then talked with her about the second agreement of not taking things personally and she again looked at me somewhat strange. So I said, well for example, if I told you that you were ugly, would you believe me. With her hands on her hips and a very strong face, she said NO! I am beautiful. Of course, I would not believe your lie. The other two agreements, seek clarification and do your best made so much more sense to her.
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